Research and evidence
The cost-effectiveness of physical activity interventions in primary care and the community

A systematic review of the evidence undertaken and published in the British Medical Journal (Volume 61, Number 584, March 2011) indicated:

  • Most interventions to increase physical activity were cost-effective, especially where direct supervision or instruction was not required.
  • Walking, exercise groups, or brief exercise advice on prescription delivered in person, or by phone or mail appeared to be more cost-effective than supervised gym-based exercise classes or instructor-led walking programmes.
  • Many physical activity interventions had similar cost-utility estimates to funded pharmaceutical interventions and should be considered for funding at a similar level.

View more research on the effectiveness of programmes like the Green Prescription (Ministry of Health).

Tackling the growing obesity epidemic: a general practice perspective

The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners recently released this policy brief. The document examines obesity from a GP's perspective and identifies some practical advice for GP's around approaching this issue with patients.

Download "Tacking the growing obesity epidemic: a general practice perspective" [PDF].