The Ronnie Gardiner Method (RGM) is a powerful multi-sensory exercise method for the brain. It combines rhythm movement and speech to help improve concentration, coordination, balance and memory It also enhances energy and lifts mood RGM is beneficial for those living with neurological disorders such as MS, stroke or Parkinson's disease, early stages of dementia, children with reading or learning problems and older adults.
This introductory course is the first of two steps on the path of becoming a certified RGM practitioner. The introduction course is an excellent first step to discovering what RGM has to offer. After completing the follow up course, you will have sufficient tools to put together a tailored programme for all target groups.
Date: Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th May 2025.
Time: 8am to 4pm both days. Tea and coffee will be provided. Please bring your own lunch.
Location: Redcliffs (venue TBC).
Cost: $350 for the employed. $250 for the self-employed, retirees, students or volunteers.
Find out more about the Ronnie Gardiner Method, including how to register for this course. This will be only Christchurch course in 2025, so don't miss out!
A follow-up ground course will be held in August 2025.
The Ronnie Gardiner Method courses are open to:
- Music Therapists;
- Speech Therapists;
- Occupational Therapists;
- Diversional and Recreational Therapists;
- Physiotherapists;
- Teachers;
- Exercise Professionals;
- Community Support Workers;
- Mental Health Workers;
- Neuropsychologists; and
- Rehabilitation Doctors.
- Online courses from My Group Move
- Online courses from Exercise as Medicine NZ
- Physical Activity and Hauora study options available
- Ronnie Gardiner Method: Introductory Course
- Autumn Active Canterbury Hui
- New Zealand Certificate in Sport Coaching (Level 3) (Sports Training and Development)
- EXNZ Conference Lite in Christchurch
- Workshop on leading community Tai Chi
- Kia Rite Hoea Workshop