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The Big List Directory: A new resource for exercise providers and advocates

A new resource has been produced by the Active Canterbury Network for exercise advocates and providers in the region - called ‘The Big List’ Directory.

This resource is divided into zones from Waimakariri to Ashburton and lists many classes and facilities that are particularly appropriate for older adults and people with long-term conditions. The Big List Directory will be updated as often as possible and get in touch if you spot any errors.

Download The Big List Directory - updated April 2024 [1.22MB PDF].

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Latest research and news

Here are some snippets on the latest physical activity research or news that we found interesting.

Exercise New Zealand emphasises the importance of staying active and socially connected to boost your immune system and ward off seasonal illnesses - as we reach the midpoint of winter in Aotearoa.

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Quality sport experiences can offer wellbeing benefits for young people above and beyond just moving their bodies.

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This issue of Insights from Recreation Aotearoa explores the various applications of AI and its potential future impact. The three featured case studies showcase the diverse ways AI can be applied across the recreation sector.

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Read more Active Canterbury news.

Active Canterbury Newsletter

The Active Canterbury Newsletter is produced bi-monthly and aims to keep local physical activity providers informed. It has a focus on latest physical activity research, upcoming education and training opportunities, key events and tips on how to practically apply research and industry tools.

View the latest newsletter: AC Network Newsletter February 2024

Access previous editions of the newsletter.