Walk for Dementia

Come and walk around the fantastic track at Ngā Puna Wai as many times as you would like in the time allocated - either as an individual or part of a team.

This fun walk is a special opportunity to walk in memory or support of a loved one with dementia, plus raise funds to support Dementia Canterbury’s work in the community.

Date: Sunday 9th March 2025 - wet or fine.
Time: 10.30am to noon.
Location: Ngā Puna Wai Sports Hub (Augustine Drive - off Halswell Road).
Cost: $22 for adults and $11 for carers and those with dementia or disability - if you pre-register. Children under 10 free. You can also pre-register as team of 6 adults or young people for $110. $30 per person for on the day entries. Spectators are welcome to watch for a donation/ koha.

Register online for the Walk for Dementia or by calling Dementia Canterbury (03 379 2590). You can also contact Dementia Canterbury for more information (diane[at]dementiacanterbury.org.nz).

Spot prizes will be handed out during the morning as well as a prize for the best dressed team. Bring your own water bottle - refills will be available.

This event is wheelchair, walking frame, and stroller-friendly - no scooters, bikes or dogs please.